Preparing young people for adulthood

Supporting young people to prepare for adulthood

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Further Education, Higher education and/or employment

This pathway looks at the different education and training options that lead to employment. These include:

  • opportunities to continue or progress through education
  • gaining work experience or volunteering
  • Supported Internships
  • apprenticeships, or accessible apprenticeships
  • Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Further and Higher education

In Essex, there are many opportunities for people aged 18 and over with special needs and disabilities to continue developing their skills. This includes higher education and supported learning as well as personal and social development.

There are many universities and colleges, with full and part-time options for young people who want to stay in education.

For further information about courses, learning opportunities and help finding work, visit the Essex Local Offer website.

The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) offer a range of employment-related resources to support young people considering the world of work.

Targeted Employment

The Targeted Employment Team are part of Essex County Council’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Strategy & Innovation team. Their purpose is to:

  • enable young people to own, voice and champion their employment goals
  • instil confidence in families/carers to ensure employment is an option for all
  • bridge the gap between education and employment by increasing pathways and community participation
  • embed vocational profiling as a tool to determine motivation, confidence and resilience whilst identifying skills and talents needed for work
  • develop an Essex standard to create meaningful paid jobs through generating inclusive employers

For further information, email

Vocational Profiling

Targeted Employment are working hard to embed Vocational Profiling into educational settings for young people from Year 9 onwards. The team also work closely with the Multi Schools Council which provide young people with a voice. 

Vocational Profiling is an ideal way to ensure that a young person’s voice is heard, with the information being used to make informed and realistic choices about work and future career development.

A young person can work towards these goals whilst in education, potentially as employment-based outcomes within an Education, Health, and Care Plan if appropriate.

For further information, contact Emma Wyatt, the Lead for Vocational Profiling on

Experiences of work

Targeted Employment are passionate about providing opportunities for young people to reach their potential whilst also helping local businesses prosper. Workplace experiences help:

  • develop a young person's skills and confidence
  • employers understand the capabilities and talents of individuals within their local community

Different volunteering opportunities are also available across Essex which not only help improve self-esteem, confidence and well-being, but can also help as a progression route into work experience.

For further information, contact Terry Logan, the Lead for Post 16 and Work Experience on

Pathways to employment

Pathways to employment focus on preparing young people to:

  • gain the skills, education and experience needed to enter employment
  • advance within a specific industry or occupation

Supported Internships

Targeted Employment manages the Supported Internship programme development, delivery, and quality across Essex in collaboration with all providers and Supported Employment partners.

The team are currently working with:

  • 6 Further Education Colleges
  • 2 Special School 6th Forms delivering Supported Internships

For further information, contact Tina MacKenzie, the Lead for Supported Internships on

Accessible Apprenticeships

Targeted Employment promotes inclusivity within apprenticeships and supports the learner, training provider and employer.

They also work closely with other apprenticeship stakeholders to help develop accessibility within this pathway, including ACL, and the Essex Provider Network (EPN).

For further information, contact Jonathan Smith, the Lead for Accessible Apprenticeships on

Entrepreneurship and self-employment

Targeted Employment are focused on equipping all young people with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to become successful self-employed professionals or business owners.

People who have faced barriers, such as disabilities, often develop key qualities for entrepreneurship, such as problem-solving, resilience and creativity. Tailored support, training, and mentorship can help them use these strengths to build sustainable livelihoods.

Entrepreneurship and self-employment offer flexible and fulfilling opportunities beyond traditional jobs. They help individuals turn their experiences into innovative solutions, contributing to the economy and society whilst gaining the tools, mindset, and resources to overcome barriers, build businesses, and achieve independence.

For further information, contact Jethro Picton, the Lead for Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment on 

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Targeted Employment works closely with other teams within Essex County Councils such as:

Further information about training and employment can be found on the following websites:

Essex County Council (ECC) SEND Information Advice and Support Service

The Education and Training Foundation (ETF)

Amazing Apprenticeships