Children and young people services and support
For SEMH services and support for children and young people use the following information, links and downloads.
For information about ADHD in children and young people visit the ADHD Foundation website.
For a factsheet to help teachers improve inclusion and prevent racist bullying in their schools download our Primary schools anti-racism and emotional wellbeing and mental health document (Word, 23KB).
For SEMH services and support for anxiety use the following links:
- Anxiety - Anna Freud guidance
- Anxiety self-help guide - NHS inform guidance to support individuals using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
- Developing a growth mindset activity - Anna Freud worksheet and lesson plan for 17 to 18 years to develop a growth mindset to deal with scenarios in further or higher education
- Let's talk about anxiety: animation and teacher toolkit - Anna Freud resource toolkit to help 11 to 13 years normalise, understand and manage anxious feelings
- Managing stress and anxiety: tips for students and apprentices - Anna Freud handout and poster for 16 years and over with tips and exercises to combat stress and anxiety
- Understanding and managing anxiety at university - Uni Compare guide for university students in halls
- Understanding change - Young minds and Beano - Anna Freud lesson to introduce 3 to 11 years to concept of stress and how to cope with it
- Young people’s wellbeing guide for stressful situations - Anna Freud A guide for young people, by young people, about coping with stressful situations and advice on how to manage them
ARFID: Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
Children with ARFID are likely to have very restricted diets, will only eat certain meals, and may find lunchtimes very uncomfortable due to anxiety or environmental factors.
For resources from ARFID Awareness UK, which has information for schools and settings to help adults understand about reasonable adjustments that can be considered and made, visit ARFID Awareness UK to download the following booklets:
- ARFID booklet for schools 2024: When is it not just fussy eating? - guidance for primary schools
- ARFID booklet for early years settings 2024: When is it not just fussy eating? - guidance for early years settings
For guidance on supporting bereaved children use the Child Bereavement UK How to support a bereaved child YouTube video.
For bereavement support for children and young people (up to the age of 25 years) visit the Winston’s Wish website.
Counselling for under-18s
For free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling for children and young people visit the website.
For counselling services for children and young people aged 5 to 18 years visit the Place2Be website.
Drugs and alcohol
For SEMH services and support for young people about drugs and alcohol misuse use the following links:
- Drugs, alcohol and mental health - Guidance from Rethink Mental Illness for 18 years and over
- Frank - Honest information about drugs including free confidential helpline
Early interventions
The POWER project is a targeted early intervention project across Greater Essex. POWER practitioners offer direct support to children and young people aged 8-13, their parent/carers and their school to help them develop ways of coping with challenging situations.
Eligibility criteria include having had contact with Essex Police, and struggling emotionally and behaviourally at school and home.
Contact to find out more or make a referral to the POWER project (new link 2021).
Eating disorders
For general guidance on eating disorders download the Anna Freud Eating Disorders document.
Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service
The service’s children's wellbeing practitioner (CWP) can deliver interventions for children and young people presenting the following:
- adolescent anxiety - 13 to 18 years old
- challenging behaviour - 5 to 10 years
- child anxiety - 5 to 12 years
- mild to moderate low mood - 13 to 18 years
For more information about this intervention download our CWP leaflet (PDF, 210KB).
Essex Sexual Health Service
For guidance on where to send young people for help download Where to direct a young person for help document.
For more details about our free and confidential services for under-16s visit the Essex Sexual Health Service website.
For resources to support staff and young people in your school or setting use the following links:
If you have any questions or require further information email or
For SEMH services and support for children and young people around exams use the following links and download:
- Academic and exam stress - Anna Freud guidance
- A guide for young people: Exam stress - YoungMinds guidance
- Conquering exam stress: lessons from our bodies - Physiological Society YouTube guidance
- Exam and assessment stress - Anna Freud guidance
- Exam stress - Anna Freud YouTube guidance
- Leaving school and future plans - Anna Freud guidance
- Revision - Anna Freud guidance
For services and support for children and young people around health use the following links:
- Menstrual cycles and mental health - Yoppie guidance on myths, misconceptions, truths and realities of the links between mental health and the menstrual cycle
- Breast exams - Nemours TeensHealth guidance
- Breast awareness - Health for Teens guidance
- Checking your testicles - what to look out for - Lloyds Pharmacy Online Doctor guidance
Knife harm
For support for young people and young adults and to talk to them about knives and weapons visit the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit website’s Knife Harm Resources web page.
For SEMH services and support for children and young people around LGBTQ+ use the following links and download:
- LGBTQI+ - Anna Freud guidance
- LGBTQI+ mental health - Anna Freud guidance
- My mental health and accepting my sexuality - YoungMinds guidance
- A guide for young people - Gender and mental health - YoungMinds guidance
- The Proud Trust - Training opportunities for teachers and other youth professionals
- Just Like Us - The LGBT+ young people’s charity
- The OutHouse - LGBTQ+ community support and friendship for Essex
- Resources including support for the curriculum and more associated with LGBTQI+ (Word, 39KB) - Guidance and resources for schools and settings
- What is Pride Month? - Twinkl YouTube guidance for key stage 2 and 3
- Coming out LGBTQ+ - AMAZE Org YouTube guidance for key stage 3
- LGBTQ+ history for kids - You and your identity - Twinkl YouTube guidance for Key Stages 2 and 3
- LGBT+ young people - Barnardo’s guidance for key stage 3 and over
For information to help young people know more about mental health medications visit the YoungMinds Medications web page.
Mental health
For jargon busters to explain SEMH acronyms and terms use the following links and download:
- Jargon buster - Beat eating disorders guidance
- Speaking the same language on mental health - YoungMinds guidance
- Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP) - Glossary of terms (Word, 46KB)
For SEMH services and support for children and young people use the following links:
- Become a peer support volunteer - Invitation from Mind in West Essex
- Become a young mental health ambassador - Invitation from Healthwatch Essex
- Children and young people's wellbeing - Anna Freud resources to empower young people to make informed mental health and wellbeing choices
- Epic Friends - Helping children and young people help their friends who might be struggling to cope emotionally
- Films for teachers and professionals - Nip in the Bud resources for teachers and school staff with children with a diagnosis or showing symptoms of a mental health condition
- Find your little big thing for your mental health - NHS every mind matters guidance
- Further Education - Anna Freud guidance on common mental health issues affecting further education students
- How to support a friend: guidance for young people - Ann Freud and Mind guidance
- Mental health factsheet for young people - Anna Freud resource for young people to help better understand mental health facts and figures and access support
- Mental health services - How to access NHS mental health services and where to get urgent help
- Mental health resources for children, students, parents, carers and school/college staff - DfE Education Hub list of resources
- Mentally Healthy Schools - Ann Freud guidance and resources for schools and further education settings
- My Mind website - Mental health guidance and resources for children and young people
- Resources for the public - Books, helplines and websites for children and young people from Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Talking mental health: animation and teacher toolkit - Anna Freud resources to begin conversations in the classroom and beyond
- Togetherall - 24/7 support service and online community for 16 to years and 16 to 25 for those with SEND
- Wellbeing for children: Healthy habits - ClickView YouTube guidance videos
- YoungMinds website - Mental health guidance and resources for children and young people
Mental health support teams (MHSTs) for schools and colleges
For contact and other details for the MHSTs in Essex download our Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) in Essex map (PDF, 235KB).
To find out more about the roll-out of mental health support teams visit the NHS England Mental health support in schools and colleges web page.
Primary specific support
For a sci-fi podcast adventure for 7 to 11 year olds about the importance of kindness visit The Rez website.
For a range of resources for children to support their SEMH visit the Childline Coping kit web pages.
At Risk Mental State (ARMS) for Psychosis mental health service offering support to people aged 14 to 35 who may be struggling with experiences like having unusual thoughts, feeling paranoid or hearing voices. We work with anyone who is registered with a GP in south east, south west or mid Essex.
Relationships, Health and Sex Education (RHSE)
For local RHSE information - including teaching resources and contact details for locally commissioned services, download the Relationships, health and sex education (RHSE) curriculum support and contact information for Essex schools document (PDF, 270KB).
For SEMH services and support for children and young people around relationships use the following links and download:
- Healthy and unhealthy relationships - Childline guidance
- Unhealthy relationships - Anna Freud guidance
Secondary specific support
For free mental health literacy resources for secondary school or college PSHE visit the stem4 education Head Ed web page.
For services and support for children and young people around self-care use the following links and download:
- Healthy coping strategies for young people - Anna Freud YouTube guidance for secondary school pupils
- Mental health and self-care for young people - Mental support, videos and ideas for secondary school pupils from NHS every mind matters
- How I cope: a young person's guide - Strategies and sources of support secondary school pupils use in difficult times from the Children and Families Policy Research Unit
- How I cope: a young person's guide poster (PDF) - Strategies and sources of support secondary school pupils use in difficult times poster from the Children and Families Policy Research Unit
- Wellbeing for young people (13years+) - Rise guidance covering PTSD in teenagers and helping teens with depression
Self-harm, self-injury and suicide
For SEMH helpline support for children and young people around self-harm and suicide use the following links:
- Hopeline - Free 24/7, 365 days a year telephone support for children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties
- Samaritans helpline - Free 24/7, 365 days a year telephone, text and email support for anyone experiencing mental health difficulties
- Shout 58258 - Free 24/7, 365 days a year text support for children and young people experiencing mental health difficulties
For services and support for children and young people around self-harm and suicide use the following links and download:
- Adult self-harm management toolkit NHSE - From the Mid and South Essex self-harm and suicide prevention programme
- Anxiety - Papyrus guidance
- Being yourself during change - Papyrus guidance
- Bereavement - Papyrus guidance
- Building suicide-safer schools and colleges - Papyrus guide for teachers and staff
- Communicating with young people - Papyrus guidance on talking about suicide with young people
- Conversation starters - Papyrus guidance on starting conversations about suicide
- Coping strategies - Papyrus guidance
- Coping with exams - Papyrus guidance
- Distraction techniques - Papyrus guidance
- First aid for self-injury and self-harm - LifeSIGNS guidance
- HOPELINE suicide poster - Papyrus A3 poster
- HOPELINE suicide poster - Papyrus A4 poster
- How to create and use a safe space in schools - Anna Freud guidance
- How to support someone who is self-harming - Samaritans YouTube guidance
- Papyrus website - Charity dedicated to prevention of young suicide
- Papyrus YouTube channel
- Safety education - Primary and secondary school resources around railway safety from Network Rail
- Self-harm - Anna Freud guidance
- Self-harm - Papyrus guidance
- Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Suicide awareness training: University student edition - Short online training package for 16 years and over from the Zero Suicide Alliance
- Suicidal feelings - Mind guidance
- Walk with us - CHILYPEP toolkit for supporting children, young people and families affected or bereaved by suicide
- Where to get help for self-harm - NHS guidance
For services and support around suicide safety planning use the following links and downloads:
- HOPEBOX - Papyrus guidance on creating a crisis box, emergency box, self-soothe box and happy box
- HOPEBOOK - Papyrus guidance on creating a scrapbook equivalent of their HOPEBOX
- HOPELINK - Papyrus digital platform to revisit and update suicide safety plans online
- Suicide safety plan - Using safety plans - Papyrus guidance
- Supporting someone who feels suicidal - Mind guidance on making a support plan
For support to help primary school children manage feelings and emotions, visit the Mental Health Center Kids Coping Skills for kids YouTube video.
Southend, Essex and Thurrock Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (SET CAMHS)
Service for anybody between 0 and 18 years and free at the point of entry.
Also available for young people with SEND up to the age of 25.
For more information visit the SET CAMHS website.
You can also download and hand out our SET CAMHS leaflet (PDF, 6.3MB).
To make a referral for a child or young person:
Telephone: 0800 953 0222
Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
For urgent and out-of-hours help contact NELFT:
Telephone: 0800 995 1000
For concerns about children and young people already open to SET CAMHS contact their clinician of the day:
Telephone: 0800 953 0222
For SEMH services support for children and young people see our ‘Self-harm, self-injury and suicide’ section.
For SEMH services and support for primary and secondary transitions use the following links and download:
- Supporting school transitions - Resources from YoungMinds to help pupils, schools and families cope transitions
- Moving Up! The transition to secondary school - Anna Freud staff resources to help pupils with transition secondary school - includes full teacher toolkit
- Change tunnel activity - Anna Freud Year 6 class activity to prepare them for the move to secondary school
Primary and secondary
- 6 ways to create a productive, fun ending to the school year - Guidance from Schoolyard
- 10 end-of-school-year celebration ideas - Blog from twinkl
- 10 easy and fun end-of-year celebration ideas - Guidance from Think Grow Giggle
- Know before you go - Student Minds resource for transition to university
- Transitions - Anna Freud guidance