Targeting Support Meetings (TSMs)

Expectations, aims and what schools need to do for TSMs.

What you can expect from a Targeting Support Meeting

At a Targeting Support Meeting, we will usually discuss:

  • the overall trends in your school’s data and emerging patterns
  • comparisons to National and Essex averages for the school's phase (where available)
  • your severely absent pupils on roll (50% or below attendance)
  • your persistently absent pupils (above 50%, but below 90%), where barriers to attendance indicate a multi-agency response may be required

The aims of TSMs include:

  • building on strong relationships and enhance collaborative working practices
  • identifying, discussing and agreeing on action plans and joint approaches for severely absent pupils (where a plan is not already in place)
  • discussing and agreeing on approaches for persistently absent pupils where there are barriers to attendance that require a multi-agency response
  • where applicable, agreeing on which agency will act as a lead practitioner, which will be the school in most cases