Book autism courses and training

Autism training courses for education professionals, parents and carers, and young people.

Multi-Schools Council training

The Multi-School Council run awareness programmes about autism for young people and staff.

Children and young people autism acceptance session

An awareness programme to educate young people about autism.

The session is free, run by Multi-Schools Council (MSC) training and open to young people.

It involves partner, small group and whole class discussions and activities and includes:

  • information about how autism affects the brain
  • how to support autistic people
  • discussions and Q&A sessions on autism
  • real-life experience of autism

To find out more and book email​

Staff autism acceptance session

A basic awareness session exploring what autism is and how this can impact key areas such as communication and social skills.

The session is free, run by Multi-Schools Council (MSC) training and looks at:

  • autism through the lens of a young person with a diagnosis
  • the type of strategies that may support them within a school context

To find out more and book email​