How enhanced provisions help
Our enhanced provisions help because they:
- support and help children and young people become more emotionally literate, self-aware and better able to self-regulate emotions
- empower families to have a greater involvement in their children’s education and develop capacity to support their development and progress
- promote resilience in schools enabling staff to meet the needs of children and young people by adopting the provision attitudes, skills and habits and through partnership coaching
Our children and young people benefit from enhanced provisions by allowing them to:
- remain on roll at mainstream schools and return to their schools at the end of placements
- experience a more targeted holistic curriculum so they progress their social and emotional development
- learn to feel safe, use their curiosity, improve self-esteem and develop confidence through close and trusting relationships with adults
Our schools benefit from enhanced provisions by allowing them to:
- strive to maintain inclusion and reduce the need for exclusions
- to meet the SEMH needs of children and young people
- learn from enhanced provision best practice