Admission to enhanced provisions is agreed upon through a panel.
Panels are made up of a selection of people from the following teams and services:
- SEMH enhanced provision representative
- SEND Inclusion Partners
- educational psychologists (EPs)
- education access
- local headteachers
- local pupil referral unit (PRU)
Other specialists may also be invited to attend.
The schools where children and young people are on roll need to request support and submit this to their local panel for review.
Once discussed at the panel, referring schools will be informed of the outcome.
Requests will be considered at panel based on the following criteria:
- SEMH is the main area of need
- TPP is adopted as a whole-school approach
- High quality SEND support has been in place, including support from the SEND Inclusion team
- The school is prepared to work in partnership and maintain their inclusion
- Parental consent is agreed
- Transport must be provided by the referring school and/or family
Additional considerations that may influence decisions:
- Current cohort dynamics within the provision
- Provision capacity
- Other needs which require further assessment in the first instance
For further advice, download the request for support guidance (Word, 87KB)