Disadvantaged Champions
We recognise the importance of every school having a member of their governing body with responsibility for disadvantaged pupils.
It’s also beneficial for schools to have a senior member of staff with this responsibility and oversight.
Each term, SEPs hold disadvantaged clinics for SLT members or aspiring senior leaders identified as a school’s ‘Disadvantaged Champion’.
This person can attend a disadvantaged clinic with your partnership SEP to enable discussion and help put the principles of the strategy into practice.
They’ll also be able to access termly training for the next year with our Unity Schools Partnership Pupil Premium and Vulnerable Learners Advisor, Marc Rowland, who has been instrumental in writing this strategy for Essex.
All schools should identify their Disadvantaged Champion by emailing their name and role details to philippa.holliday@essex.gov.uk
For more information about tackling educational disadvantages use the following YouTube video and link: