SEND and specialist settings

We provide a half-day workshop for designated teachers (DTs) in specialist SEND settings.

The workshop is open to all specialists, SEND and independent schools (inside and outside Essex) with an Essex CiC on roll and for Essex specialist schools and settings with a PLAC or CHwSW child.

The training shares virtual school updates, offers specialist input and is a networking opportunity.

The training also covers the following:

  • reviewing statutory guidance for DTs on promoting the education of CiC, PLAC and the extended duty for CHwSW
  • exploring virtual school support and services available to students in specialist settings and discussing next steps
  • reviewing the PEP template (in particular progress and attainment), getting feedback from colleagues in specialist settings and exploring the next steps.

The spring training date is to be confirmed.

Send network meeting

The meeting is designed to bring together designated teachers (DTs) from special schools. It will provide a valuable opportunity to:

  • meet DTs from other schools and build a supportive network
  • share good practice and learn from each other's experiences
  • meet an education advisor who will be able to offer guidance
  • ask questions about Personal Education Plans (PEPS), children in care, and other cohorts under the advisory responsibility of the virtual school
  • participate in a regular forum for problem-solving and collaborative discussions

The first session will include:

  • advice regarding Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires (SQDs) and SEMH assessments
  • guidance on Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) spending
  • an introduction to the ways of working in DT networking meetings

Next training date - Thursday 13 March 2025. Book by completing the online form.