Funding amounts
The amount of PP+ funding local authorities receive for CiC is calculated by the number of children who were in its care at any point in the previous financial year.
For the 2023 to 2024 academic year, each child in care from reception to year 11 generates £2,530 of PP+ funding.
The virtual school headteacher manages and allocates the grant to schools and can top slice the budget before passing it on to schools.
Nurseries and early years
Nurseries and early years (age 3 and 1 term to statutory school age) can claim up to £125 per Essex looked-after-child (LAC).
Early years PP+ is based on how many hours a child attends and up to £125 per term.
Each child from the first full term after 3 years of age generates approximately £375 per year.
Early years settings must complete PEPs each term. Any PP+ requests must be on the PEP and identify suitable interventions.
Year R-1, maintained schools and academies
Year R-1, maintained schools and academies can claim up to £700 per Essex LAC through their Autumn PEP.
Independent schools
We do not currently provide PP+ funding to independent schools. However, if you’d like to request funding contact us at