Essex Healthy Schools Programme

About the Essex Healthy Schools Programme, training, updates, expectations.

Healthy schools expectations

For resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links.

Food and nutrition

For food and nutrition guidance and resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links:

  • Child Lifestyle Service - Essex Wellbeing Service offer to all school-aged children in and their families
  • Food - a fact of life - Free resources for teaching children and young people aged 3 to 16 years about where food comes from, cooking and healthy eating
  • Healthy Steps resources - Public Health England resources for schools
  • Oral health - Essex Child and Family Wellbeing Service guidance and resources for parents and carers and those working with children
  • Primary food projects - Food a fact of life projects for primary school children

Mental health and emotional wellbeing

For mental health and emotional wellbeing guidance and resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links:

Physical activity

For physical activity guidance and resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links:

  • Being active - Public Health England resources for schools
  • Schools - Active Essex support and guidance to help enable schools to deliver effective physical education and school sports

PSHE education

For PSHE guidance and resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links:

Pupil voice

For pupil voice guidance and resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links:

Trauma-informed and trauma-reducing practice

For TPP resources to help schools meet the programme’s expectations use the following links: