Physical and neurological impairment (PNI) training
Find details and how to book PNI training courses
Access for all - an introduction to PNI (pre-school)
An introduction to supporting children and young people with a PNI.
Topics covered include the following:
- different professionals
- implications of PNI on learning
- funding support strategies
15 minutes.
Who is this course for
Pre-school and nursery staff.
Online video.
Booking a place
Watch our Access for All supporting children with physical and neurological impairments on YouTube.
PNI workshops
There are 3 PNI workshops available for schools to help support them with PNI.
PNI workshop 1 - physical education
A workshop for schools to support the physical education lessons for children with PNI.
Approximately 1 hour.
Who is this course for
Any staff working with children with PNI. The workshop is intended for a small group of staff rather than whole staff training.
The child or young person’s school or setting or other convenient location.
Free to schools who have children attending known to our PNI Specialist Teacher Team.
Booking a place
Contact the child or young person’s PNI specialist teacher.
PNI workshop 2 - handwriting
A workshop for schools to support the teaching of handwriting for children with PNI.
Approximately 1 hour.
Who is this course for
Any staff working with children with PNI. The workshop is intended for a small group of staff rather than whole staff training.
The child or young person’s school or setting or other convenient location.
Free to schools who have children attending known to our PNI Specialist Teacher Team.
Booking a place
Contact the child or young person’s PNI specialist teacher.
PNI workshop 3 - Gym Trail
A workshop for schools to support the implementation of the Gym Trail approach to promote the development of motor skills for children with PNI.
Approximately 1 hour.
Who is this course for
Any staff working with children with PNI. The workshop is intended for a small group of staff rather than whole staff training.
The child or young person’s school or setting or other convenient location.
Free to schools who have children attending known to our PNI Specialist Teacher Team.
Booking a place
Contact the child or young person’s PNI specialist teacher.