Education Essex Online

Information about our new platform for browsing, booking and paying for education services.

Our booking system is currently offline as we prepare to launch our new 'Education Essex online' platform.

This upgrade is designed to:

  • enhance your experience
  • offer a central platform
  • allow you to browse, book and pay for
    •  our learning and development opportunities
    •  school improvement traded services 

Stay tuned for the launch, scheduled during August for early years and childcare providers, and September for schools. 

Schools and early years providers who had active accounts on our previous system and who were contacted during May 2024, will have a new account ready for use on our new system. When we are live, we will email you with a link to access the new site and instructions to log in for the first time.

All other schools and providers will be able to sign up for an account once we are live. 

Thank you for your continued support and interest in our services, we look forward to sharing our new platform with you soon. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email