Interventions, opportunities and projects

Advice and guidance on interventions, opportunities and projects for virtual school.


Intervention availability in Essex.

​Into University

The IntoUniversity programme is designed to be a long-term academic and pastoral service for students from the age of 7 to 18 years.

Students who work with us in the FOCUS programme in your school may also be able to take advantage of our other programmes outside school including the following:

  • academic support
  • mentoring
  • other enrichment opportunities

For more information download the following documents:

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) briefing pack

We’ve put together a briefing pack for schools and social care for UASC.

The pack includes information on applications for school and admissions guidance and information on supporting children and young people during their transition to school.

For more information download our Unaccompanied asylum seeking children briefing pack (Word, 64KB).