Education Essex Online Booking System

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Essex school terms and holidays

Academic year 2023 to 2024


Admissions and attendance

Admissions, attendance, education access, education compliance guidance and support including home education and roll notifications.

Education and schools services

Early years and childcare, environment and sustainability, SACRE and other key services including school trips, PE and sport and Essex Youth Service.

Find information about schools

Term dates and holidays, school closures, general school information and online search tools to find information about individual schools.

Pupil support and wellbeing

Equality and diversity, Essex Local Offer, Essex Virtual School, SEMH and other key services for pupils including free school meals and transport.


Key child protection guidance and support, how to report concerns and training, policy and other key safeguarding information for education staff.

School management

Data and standards, Essex School Forum, health and safety and other key school services including insurance, legal services and finance.

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

Autism, cognition and learning needs, physical and sensory needs, SEND and SLCN guidance and support.

Staff support and wellbeing

Headteacher and staff wellbeing advice and training, health and HR services for schools, security and vetting checks and teacher induction guidance.

Summer term 2024 statutory data collections

EYFSP - collection open 3 June

Phonics Screening Check - administer checks 10 to 14 June

Summer school census - 16 May

Data collections
School children being active

Key priorities and updates

Inclusion strategy, picture of schoolchildren

The Inclusion Strategy

22 March 2024

The Essex Education Inclusion Strategy, a key element of our Transformation 2030 work.