For guidance on SLCN in babies, children and young people visit Ages and stages on the Speech and Language UK’s website.
Speech and language therapy
Use the following links to watch videos about speech and language therapy.
All the following speech and language therapy YouTube videos were created by the North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT):
- An introduction to communication passports
- Attention and listening skills
- Developing play skills
- Developing understanding and use of action words and concepts
- Developing understanding of language
- Developing vocabulary
- Offering choices
- Supporting sharing and turn-taking skills
Teaching resources and tools
To find SLCN teaching resources, use the following online guidance and downloads:
- Child's progress checker - Gives an idea of how babies or children are developing and directs you to advice, resources and support
- Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) - Essex County Council resources
- Educator Shop - Buy resources from Speech and Language UK - including progression tools, posters and information booklets
- Educators and professionals - Tools and training - From Speech and Language UK
- Essex Match, Give, Name assessment of Early Vocabulary Skills (Word, 48KB)
- Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE) - Loan Resources
- One planning - A person-centred graduated approach (PDF, 1.27MB)
Watch the following videos about speech and language therapy:
- Building effective practice to support students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Building effective practice to support students with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - for secondary school teachers (intermediate level)
- Introduction to Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
- Language For Behaviour And Emotions: An introduction
- SLCN and DLD - What Every Teacher Needs to Know