SEND advice and guidance

SEND advice and guidance for services in Essex.

Ordinarily Available (OA)

The Ordinarily Available (OA) is a set of recommendations bringing together best practices from across Essex schools.

It covers the expectations for provision and practice in all early years, mainstream and Post 16 schools and settings.

It outlines what children and young people with SEND and their families can expect to be normally, or ‘ordinarily’, available to them without specialist support.

Use the framework documents

All educational settings should use the OA as part of their focus on inclusion.

To find out more about the OA download the following framework documents:

We’ll also be asking schools and settings to contribute to the shared agreement from July 2024 onwards.

OA audit tool

We have an audit tool to help those working with the OA framework.

To use the tool download the OA Inclusive Teaching Framework Audit 2023 to 2024 spreadsheet (XLS, 1.68MB).

With thanks to Mr Wainford at St Andrew's Church of England Primary School, Weeley, for sharing the tool.

To request an accessible version of the tool email   

Help and support

For help and support with the OA and its recommendations, contact your inclusion partners.