Education otherwise than in school or college (EOTIS/C)

How ECC implements current national guidance in relation to education otherwise than in school or college (EOTIS/C).

Essex County Council (ECC) considers that most children and young people (CYP) in the county are best educated within a registered pre-school, school or college setting in order to ensure they receive their statutory entitlement to education and are able to reach their full potential in preparation for adulthood. 

Families will sometimes make a decision to electively home educate (EHE) their child. In addition, ECC also acknowledges that, for a very small number of CYP who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and the most complex of needs, it may be occasionally inappropriate for those CYP to be on the roll of and attend an available registered setting. 

Download EOTIS/C in Essex: The current position (PDF,141KB) which aims to advise families and professionals on how ECC implements current national guidance in relation to education otherwise than in school / College (EOTIS/C). 

It is not a guidance document, but may be used as a tool to support conversations and a broad understanding of what EOTIS/C is and how it may be accessed and implemented for children in Essex. 

ECC recognises this document will not provide answers to all questions relating to EOTIS/C; further publications are in development.