Autism contacts

Advice, referral and support service for autistic children and young people.

Community paediatricians

For assessment, diagnosis and management of children and young people with a wide range of developmental difficulties and disabilities (plus associated conditions) in the following clinical areas:

  • educational paediatrics - including statutory medical assessments and annual reviews of children with learning difficulties and complex additional needs
  • neurodevelopmental disorders - including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • neurodisability - including cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and genetic and chromosomal conditions and syndromes

Children and young people (aged 0 to 18 years or up to 19 if still in education) registered with a GP in Mid Essex are eligible for this service.

Contact one of the following healthcare professionals to get children and young people access to this service: 

  • audiologists
  • GP
  • health visitors
  • mental health service professionals
  • school nurses
  • therapists