We provide schools and settings with information, advice and guidance on the following:
- Analyse School Performance (ASP)
- DfE data and reporting developments
- Key Stage attainment
Our Education Data Team acts as the account holder for DfE’s Key Stage 2 (KS2) and Key Stage 4 (KS4) checking exercise on behalf of Essex County Council (ECC).
The team also keeps attainment Perspective Lite and Nova report data up to date.
Contact us
For more information or if you have any questions about education data email education.datateam@essex.gov.uk
Education data tools
Analyse School Performance (ASP) ASP provides schools and other existing user groups with detailed performance analysis. Launched in 2017 to replace RAISEonline, ASP supports local school improvement.
For more information about how ASP works use DfE’s Analyse School Performance YouTube video.
To login in use DfE’s Secure Access website.
If you have trouble with your login or if you have any questions about ASP complete the Service request online form.
Fischer Family Trust (FFT)
We no longer offer a data package for FFT.
To subscribe directly with FFT contact:
Telephone: 01446 776 262
Email: subscriptions@fft.org.uk
Perspective Lite
Perspective Lite is part of the NEXUS website which we use to share data reports with you as a way of recording school visit notes.
School effectiveness partners record all school visit notes in the 'Visit Notes' section.
To login in use the Perspective Lite login.
NEXUS supplied schools with all their login details.
If you have trouble with your login contact:
Telephone: 0845 129 7196