Guidance on making statutory returns.
Common transfer file (CTF)
To find out more about CTF documents, use the guidance available by visiting DfE’s Common transfer file (CTF) and coordinated admissions data collection.
Key stage 4 and 5 results
We’re not currently collecting key stage 4 and key stage 5 results and you do not have to make these returns.
School to school (S2S)
For guidance on the S2S system use DfE’s School to school (S2S) data transfer system: guides.
Unique pupil numbers (UPNs)
A unique pupil number (UPN) is a 13-character code which identifies pupils in our maintained school system.
For guidance on UPNs and a tool for generating them use DfE’s Unique pupil numbers web page.
For more information or if you have any questions email schooldata@essex.gov.uk