Prevent guidance and resources
All designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) should be familiar with the following statutory guidance and resources:
- Prevent duty guidance: England and Wales (2023)
- The Prevent duty: safeguarding learners vulnerable to radicalisation
- The Prevent duty: and introduction for those with safeguarding responsibilities
- Understanding and identifying radicalisation in your education setting
- Managing risk of radicalisation in your education setting
- Case studies (
- Prevent duty risk assessment templates - DfE
- Prevent duty risk assessment - schools (Essex) (Word, 73KB) - updated November 2024
- Keeping children safe in Education
Further useful guidance and resources for DSLs:
- Educate against hate - Prevent radicalisation and extremism
- ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) early - Prevent radicalisation
- Report possible terrorist or extremist activity - Action counters terrorism
- Counter terrorism policing - policing website
- Counter-extremism: preventing radicalisation in schools - LGFL( London Grid for Learning)
- Going too far? The law and online extremism - LGFL
- Terrorist attacks: discussing them with secondary school pupils - PSHE Association
Secure area information
For training courses dealing with Prevent, visit our secure area.