SEND advice and guidance

SEND advice and guidance for services in Essex.

Ordinarily Available (OA)

All mainstream educational settings should use the OA as part of their focus on inclusion.

It covers the expectations for provision and practice in all early years settings and mainstream schools.

OA Inclusive Teaching Framework - for all pupils

The Ordinarily Available: Inclusive Teaching Framework (PDF, 6.18MB) helps teachers plan their universal support. It includes the latest advice and guidance on what helps pupils learn. OA support will benefit all pupils, especially those with SEND or who are disadvantaged. 

There are nine sections in the framework, and sections have been organised in a way that aligns to, and supports with implementing, part one of the Teachers' Standards. ​

Ordinarily Targeted Support - for some pupils with SEND

The Ordinarily Available Targeted Support (PDF, 1.49MB) helps teachers and SENCOs plan for pupils with SEND. It includes the latest advice on what works for pupils who have been identified as having special educational needs. 

The OA Targeted Support Framework has five chapters:

  • social, emotional, and mental health
  • physical and and sensory impairments
  • communication and interactions
  • cognition and learning
  • support for children aged 0 to 5

OA Audit Tool

Below is an audit tool to help those working with the OA framework.

With thanks to Mr Wainford at St Andrew's Church of England Primary School, Weeley, for sharing the tool.

To request an accessible version of the tool email   

Help and support

For help and support with the OA and its recommendations, contact your inclusion partner.