Provision and reduced timetables

Agreeing to a reduced timetable, reporting periods and guidance.

All children of compulsory school age are entitled to a full-time education suitable to their:

  • age
  • ability
  • aptitude
  • any special educational needs they may have

In very exceptional circumstances, where it is in a child's best interests, there may be a need for a temporary part-time timetable to meet their individual needs.

Essex County Council defines any child not regularly attending school or accessing appropriate full-time provision in another setting as being missing from education.

Children missing education (CME) are at significant risk of:

  • underachieving
  • being victims of abuse
  • becoming NEET (not in education, employment, or training)

Reduced provision

Essex County Council must be able to report on children who are of statutory school age and who are not in receipt of full-time school education. The Education Access Team holds this responsibility and is required to have arrangements in place to identify the number of children on reduced provision.

A part-time timetable must only be in place:

  • for the shortest time necessary
  • not be treated as a long-term solution
  • should be time-limited
  • an endpoint is defined as when the child is expected to return and attend full-time school or an alternative provision
  • formal arrangements in place for reviewing progress towards full-time education

For further information about the reduced timetable, view the Reduced Timetable policy (Word, 169KB).

Notifying the Education Access Team

To notify the Education Access Team of a child on a part-time timetable, schools are requested to complete a half-termly data return to include all children on a reduced timetable.

Schools are asked to report on:

  • start dates
  • number of hours attending
  • provide additional information about vulnerable groups
  • previous half term data

The data capture will be managed through an online Achieve form.

If a school does not have any children on a part-time timetable, report a nil return via the online Achieve form.

Schools will need to submit the report at the start of every half-term.

There is no requirement for schools to report on any changes to a child's timetable outside of the reporting period.

Reporting period

The reporting period for completed return
Essex term Completed return due between
2023/24 summer, term 6 Mon 2 Sept to Fri 20 Sept 2024
Autumn, term 1 Mon 4 Nov to Fri 22 Nov 2024
Autumn, term 2 Mon 6 Jan 2025 to Fri 24 Jan 2025
Spring, term 3 Mon 24 Feb 2025 to Fri 14 Mar 2025
Spring, term 4 Tues 22 Apr 2025 to Fri 9 May 2025
Summer, term 5 Mon 2 June 2025 to Fri 20 June 2025
Summer, term 6 Mon 1 Sept 2025 to Fri 19 Sept 2025