Senior designated mental health support

Find out about SDMHL newsletter, meetings, training and campaign days.

The DfE has released new guidance regarding Mental Health and Wellbeing, it can be found on the website. 

Senior designated mental health leads newsletter ​​

We send out a half-termly newsletter for SDMHLs in schools and settings. Called the ‘Designated mental health leads newsletter’, it’s aimed at SDMHLs but will be of interest to anyone supporting SEMH in children and young people.

To read the current academic year’s editions download the following documents:

To sign up email us at 

Mental health campaign days

We’ve put together a list of key SEMH campaign days and dates for the current academic year, should you wish to celebrate them in your school or setting.

For the list of campaign days and dates download our Mental health and emotional wellbeing campaign days calendar (Word, 40KB)

SDMHL training

We offer SDMHL training as part of the government’s commitment to offer this to all eligible schools and colleges by 2025.

For more information about this training visit our ​Designated mental health lead (DMHL) training page.