SEMH strategy, policies and frameworks

Advice and guidance about SEMH strategy, policies and frameworks.

High-level documents covering SEMH services in Essex. ​


The SEMH services we offer are covered by the Essex SEND strategy document (PDF, 4.35MB). This 5-year strategic document, entitled ‘My Life, My Rights’, sets out the county’s visions for SEND and SEMH services up until 2027.

To find out more visit our SEND strategy and frameworks page.


Positive behaviour in schools and settings is key to academic achievement and inseparable from safeguarding, the wellbeing of children and young people, staff and all other aspects of learning.

To find out more, visit our Understanding and supporting behaviour guidance page.

For policy guidance on how schools and settings should approach promoting positive behaviour and relationships refer to the Model Behaviour and Relationships Policy (Word, 154KB) or Early Years Behaviour and Relationships Policy (Word, 116KB).

For policy guidance and template for all staff (including non-teaching staff and governors) covering SEMH download our Template for an Emotional wellbeing and mental health policy (Word, 72KB)

For policy guidance on how schools and settings should approach Restrictive Physical Intervention (RPI), refer to the Model Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy (Word, 120KB)


To find and access free frameworks to help you develop an approach to SEMH at your school or setting, use the following downloads and links: