For SEMH whole school and setting approach resources use the following links and downloads:
- The 5 Rs and One Planning webinar - YouTube video
- Centre for Child Mental Health (CCMH) - Cutting-edge mental health and trauma CPD for child professionals
- Early years social and emotional learning activities - Partnership for children on the GOV.UK website
- Emotionally based school avoidance checklist - Early intervention (XLS) - To identify pupils who may benefit from early intervention and SEMH support
- Every mind matters - Public Health England mental wellbeing teaching resources for primary and secondary students
- Long-term whole school and setting approach webinar - YouTube video
- Personal, social and emotional development - Ann Freud PSED handouts and videos
- PSHE Association Resources website
- Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Association (SEBDA) - Committed to social inclusion and building capacity to support of children with SEMH difficulties
- SEMH best practice (Word) - Tool to support schools and settings to assess, identify and review SEMH practices and build a best practice framework
- SEMH wellbeing audit tool (Word) - To review current SEMH approaches within a school, setting or provision and identify strengths and areas for development
- Teacher and education professionals hub - Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (ACAMH) resources
- The school as a secure base for staff document (Word) - Staff development planning document
- Thriving not just surviving - YouTube video of keynote talk by Louise Bombèr at the Essex TPP Conference in 2020. This recording is for use by Essex schools, those who attended the conference and those engaged in TPP and should not to be used for further distribution
- We all have mental health: animation and teacher toolkit - Anna Freud resources to get 11 to 13 years thinking about their mental health
- With a little kindness poster (Word) - Multi-schools Council promotion for soundtrack for Essex SEMH
- Working with families facing challenges - Anna Freud guidance for early years practitioners to support parents and carers of under-5s who may have experienced mental health difficulties or challenges themselves