For SEMH assessment tools use the following links and downloads:
- Guidance for Adapting Assessment Tools
- Essex recommended assessments for identifying needs (Word, 76KB)
- Six Core Strengths Assessment Tool (XLS, 82KB)
- Resource hub: Mentally Healthy Schools on the Anna Freud website
- Boxall Profile online - To assess emotional and behavioural development of 4 to 18 years
- CORC for schools - SEMH monitoring and evaluation tools for education providers
- CORC Outcome and Experience Measures - Range of tools to assess o to 0 to 18 years and over
- Emotional literacy - Stakeholder checklists to assess 7 to 16 years Mountain of support pupil views questionnaire - To assess key stage 2 to 4 and available from your Link EP and IP
- Rosenberg self-esteem scale - 10-item scale questionnaire to measure global self-worth across all ages and available from your Link EP and IP Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)
- Warwick-Edinburgh Wellbeing Scale (WEMWS) - To assess 13 to 16 years over
- Wellbeing Measurement Framework for Secondary Schools
- Wellbeing measurement for school staff survey