Complete a student profile for any student whose progress, attainment or wellbeing is causing a concern.
Any of the following can complete a student profile to make us are of the educational needs of an Essex child in care or previously looked after virtual school student:
- students - including the student themself
- schools
- social workers
- carers
- independent reviewing officers (IROs)
- any other relevant people
All student profiles will be shared on Welfare Call with the following people:
- designated teachers (DTs) and social workers for children in care (CiC)
- schools and social workers for students who are previously looked after children (PLAC)
The forms provide us with additional information not already available on a student's PEP and help us start an action plan for them.
Student profiles are referred to our virtual school panel and considered weekly during term time.
Brown et al (2024 ) identified the key role that Virtual Schools play in bringing together the diverse professionals that work with children and young people that have or have had a social worker. They emphasise the importance of shared language and meaning. As schools and social care departments have a diverse and bespoke response to the wide range of educational needs for our students it is important that as there are changes in social worker and school that we can have a shared understanding of their educational needs, progress and attainment and measure the impact of our plans and interventions. The use of the following scales seeks to achieve this for Essex Virtual Schools' cohorts.
Essex Virtual School guide to Educational Measures and Scales
If your concern is urgent email us at
To complete a student profile fill in any sections you think are appropriate on our Student Profile 2024-25 online form.