Early help support for families

Early help advice, guidance, and Team Around a Family meetings to help you support pupils and their families.


Early help aims to give children, young people and families the right support at the right time, to reduce the need for higher-level interventions. 

Safeguarding children is about prevention and reaction. It is everybody’s responsibility. 

It is best practice to: 

  • involve the family in decisions 
  • seek their consent for the best outcomes 
  • assess the family’s needs as a whole 

Early help is not a single service. It is a network of services, processes and interactions which only works through partnerships with all involved.

Further information

To find out how agencies and individuals should work together on safeguarding use the following online guidance Early help and effective support for children and families.

For universal help and support for families with children aged 0-19, visit Essex Child & Family Wellbeing Service.

Find local and national services for children, young people and their families in our Essex Directory of Services on the ECC website

Visit the Frontline website for services and referrals. 

Help and guidance with SEND needs can be found on the Essex Local Offer website or the Essex SENDIASS website.

Contact us

For early help advice email TAFSO@essex.gov.uk