The Education Access Team is responsible for ensuring pupils who are unable to attend school are provided with suitable education.
Removing a child from their mainstream school and placing them on an alternative education package is a significant decision. The Education Access Team carefully consider all the evidence that is presented to them to ensure that the decision is made in the best interests of the child. They also make sure it reflects the statutory duty relating to the referral.
The Education Access Team commissions support for the following:
- pupils who have been permanently excluded from school
- where illness prevents attendance at school
- where pregnancy prevents attendance at school
- pupils unable to attend school due to emotionally based school avoidance
- pupils who are not in school due to other exceptional circumstances
The wider functions of the Education Access Team include:
- the provision of training and advice to schools on exclusion matters; including specific Governor training
- attending Governing Body meetings where pupil exclusions are considered
- advice and guidance to other professionals, parents and carers on the exclusion process
- advice and guidance to parents where pupils on school rolls are not receiving appropriate education due to medical or other needs
For queries, advice or support:
- exclusions email:
- request for support email:
- medical referrals:
- reduced provision email:
- suspensions email:
- reduced timetables email: