Sickness Return

Information on sickness absence and returns

Working together to improve school attendance (DfE August 2024) places a requirement on schools to submit a sickness return where pupils of compulsory school age have been recorded as code I (illness) for 15 days either consecutively or cumulatively.  Only one sickness return is required for a continuous period of sickness in a school year. The purpose of the return is to help both schools and the local authority to agree any provision that is required to ensure continuity of education. This is in line with the statutory guidance on Arranging education for children who cannot attend school because of ill health needs (DfE, December 2023).

Notifying the Education Access Team

To notify the Education Access team of a pupil who has been recorded as code I (illness) for 15 days consecutively or cumulatively, schools are requested to complete and submit the below sickness return. 

Sickness Return

Section 19 duty of the Education Act 1996

Local authorities are responsible for arranging suitable and (normally) full-time education for children of compulsory school age who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not receive suitable education without such provision.

The Education Access team will triage all sickness returns in line with its section 19 responsibilities. Where the Education Access team believe that the local authority’s section 19 duty may be met, contact will be made with the referrer. This may include a request for further information or advice on how to make a medical referral to the Education Access team. 

Further information

Schools are advised to review the medical referrals page on ESI for further advice on children who cannot attend school due to illness.