The Security system has been designed to ensure that the site has the capability to contain secure information. Your login and password will allow you to view areas of the site that normal users cannot see.
Secure areas
The areas you have access to depend on the selections made by your Headteacher, Service Manager or ECC officers.
If you require access to further areas of the site contact your representative, who should have the appropriate 'Change Access' forms.
If you don't have any forms, please email
Secure account
Your login account allows you to move freely around the site (in secure and non-secure areas) after you have logged in once. You do not have to log into every system - your login is automatically detected.
To ensure that the site remains secure at all times you may notice that a 'Timeout' facility is in operation within the site. If you do not access pages within the site for a certain time the timeout will occur.
This simply logs you out of the secure areas of the site - ensuring that no other users can use your account to view secure information.
To log back in simply go to the secure area of your choice and you will be re-directed back to the login screen to enter your details again.
You must ensure that you keep your login details to yourself. The site must remain as secure as possible as sensitive information may be contained within it. Refer to the Essex County Council IT Security Policy for further information.